March 23, 2024


3 years ago Vivian ReichgeltFriso LijftogtPaul Kootwijk and Anita Lieverdink from the companies BvolveProRail en Nederlandse AI Coalitie | NL AIC did the webinar ”AI the first steps”.
I think one of the first in our country in the Netherlands. At that time it was just a very small starting hype, but it has now become a tsunami of new AI developments.

A lot has changed for me in 3 years too. I am no longer with KH Chemicals, my co-founder of supplai is gone, there is a real ‘group of companies’ which I run together with Sharath Kumar and Valentin Maican in which the companies supplai and has a strength of 19 men/women.

We’re only at the beginning, I’m sure, I’m curious to see what the next 3 years will bring.
The webinar, still very current! That’s why I put it on YouTube for anyone interested.